
Building Energy LLC .com was started by Rick Ramsey in 2012. Rick is a native Oregonian and convinced his parents to move to Salem in 1960. He started working in the plumbing/heating field in 1978 and decided to move from new construction into service in 1983. This was a very satisfying career change that evolved into air conditioning and heat pump repair as well. He has attended extensive factory schooling for American Auto Matrix and Alerton Direct Digital Controls where his passsion for controls and efficiency really came alive. He has been working with these brands and others since the mid 90’s while also managing service departments for two different companies.

His working knowledge of plumbing, heating and air conditioning systems provides a unique and comprehensive approach to control strategies. His desire is to partner well with owners, building managers, and other HVAC providers to ensure a win/win senario.

Licenses and certifications held:

CCB License

Journeyman Plumber License

Boiler Class 5 License

Limited Energy Tech Class B

Limited Maint Contractor HVAC/R

Backflow Assembly Tester

EPA Universal Refrigerant Tech

Nate Heat Pump Certification

Nate Air Conditioning Certification

Nate Gas Furnace Certification

OSHA 10 Safety Trained